27. This is my new age. 3 years away from 30. Almost a decade of being an adult. No longer in my early or mid 20's. Now in my late 20's. Further away from 20 and closer to 30. 2 years more than a quarter of a century. I really can't believe I'm this old. I don't feel 27. I probably don't act 27. I know I definitely don't look 27. Hell, I still have pimples that pop up. What 27 year old still gets acme? Maybe my parents lied about what year I was really born. I think maybe I was born in 1988. I mean, I don't really remember anything before 1988, so who's to say I was born in 1982 when I don't remember it? I feel more like I am 23. I think I look more like a 23 year old. 23 is a great age to be. A lot better than being 27. I think I might start being 23 again. Fresh out of college, got the whole world ahead of me. Don't have to worry about marriage or babies or mortgages. Can do what I want, no one holding me back.
The reality is that I'm not 23. I am 27. 27 with the whole world ahead of me. 27 with no worries about marriage or babies or mortgages. I'm 27 and I can do what I want, with no one holding me back. Most 27 year olds can't really say that. Most 27 year olds that I know are married or getting married or having babies or have toddlers. Or at least are in a committed relationship. There's many times that I ask myself, shouldn't I be doing this? Shouldn't I be planning a wedding and then giving my parents grandchildren soon? But I'm not the typical 27 year old. I chose my career. My independence. My need for adventure and randomness with nothing to stop me. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great if you're 27 with a husband or wife and a couple of kids. I just couldn't picture myself married at this time in my life. So maybe I will be an old maid when I decide to take the plunge, but at least I will be ready for it. Times have changed this day in age anyway. People are getting married and having kids later and later in life. 30 is the new 20, right?