Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who dreams about blogs? Only me...

I finally did it. I finally decided to start my own blog. This may seem weird, but writing a blog actually came to me in one of my crazy dreams. Which in the last book I read, it said that your best ideas come to you when you first awake. I guess this is why some people sleep with a notebook and pen on their nightstand. Maybe I should do that! Then again, if I can't even get up the 5th time my alarm goes off, what makes me think I'm going to lift my head, arms and hand to grab a pen and notebook and start writing some crazy ass idea down that I probably won't even be able to read when I'm conscious? Anyway, after I thought about this whole blog idea, I thought it would be beneficial in 2 ways:

1. For those of you that REALLY know me, you would know that I am a writer. Okay, well kind of a writer. I do love to write, don't get me wrong, but I mostly just have all ideas in that blonde head of mine. Those ideas could potentially be a New York Times Best Seller or win an Oscar one day! Maybe I'm getting a little carried away, but I really need to get these ideas that elude my brain out before I drive myself crazy. Or before I get into my old age(which is sooner than later) and forget them all. Now, I won't be writing my story ideas in my blog(wouldn't want anyone to steal my best sellers or win my Oscars now would I?) but I thought that if I at least write, it would get my writing juices flowing and I could maybe get those ideas written in Word Perfect or some kind of word processor that I might own on this ancient lap top.

2. I'm not a big blog reader, but I think I get the idea. People write about their lives, thoughts, feelings, experiences, post pictures, videos, yada yada yada. The blogs that I've mostly read are from newlyweds that document their first joyful years of married life, or couples experiencing crazy adventures of parenthood. I do love reading these blogs (especially reading about my man baby cousin Jackson!), but what about all the single folks out there? I'm sure there's a few million blogs out there about all the single people, I know I won't be the first or last singleton out there that writes a blog. But, I think I live a pretty interesting life. Yes, my life was far more exciting about a year ago when I was traveling and I probably should have documented all my travels then, but really, I didn't even have the time to call my own mother let alone write a blog. Which I am sure stories from my travels will be in some of my posts. Stories from my travels are a big part of my life and have shaped my life to what it is today. I mention old memories daily, from the lobby cocktails that ended in a snowball fight in the hotel parking lot in Boston, to watching the sunrise in Vegas while eating lobster for breakfast in a suite at the Wynn(okay, that was vacation, but it was with my teammates!) I'm sure stories from my past I will be writing about, but my life at the present is just as exciting(umm, okay, probably not, but I will do everything I can to make it sound like it!)

So, there you go! I hope you like what you read and I don't offend anyone. My mouth can be like a sailor sometimes, but I will try to censor myself as much as I can, at least for my mom's sake so she doesn't wash my mouth out with the Palmolive next time I see her!

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