It looks as though I need to update this thing. So much has happened since my last blog. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to just sit down and type. Here's an update with my life.
About the middle to end of August, my district manager gets an email saying they desparately needed managers in NY. Knowing that I wanted to live in big cities and didn't enjoy Miami all that much, she asked if I would be willing to relocate. I have always said I would relocate and have named off New York, Vegas, Chicago, international cities, etc. With this company, if you are willing to move, then you usually give yourself more opportunity for promotions. I didn't really think relocating that far would happen though. I knew a few other managers at other stores were up for the position that was available too, so I figured I'd just be stuck in Miami for a while. The next day, my DM tells me I need to find someone to take over my lease on my apartment. Well then, that sounded a little more serious. Could I actually be doing this? Moving over 1,000 miles away? By the end of the week, my DM announced I was the new Bra Manager in Long Island. Wow. I didn't expect this at all. It was all so soon, within 2 days time. And in 1 week from then I would be moving. Driving through 9 states. 3 days of driving. 489 South of the Border billboards. Wow. Thank God for my brother. The trip would have sucked if it weren't for him.
So, here I am. In LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng IIIIIIIIIIIIIIsland, as the natives call it. I've had people ask me, why Long Island? Well, why not? I've lived in Florida my whole life. Yes, Florida is beautiful, with the greatest beaches, no snow, and where most of my family lives. But Florida also has hurricanes, humidity, and lots of old people. I just need some change, a different environment. Yes, Long Island is quite the extreme of changes, but I gotta live and learn and adjust to different environments and people. I want to be able to go into the city whenever I want, and see the seasons actually change, and learn the ways of the Yanks. I might regret this when I'm freezing my ass off trying to drive to work in the snow while my fellow Floridians are calling me while laying out on the beach, which by the way, I wouldn't be able to answer that phone call while driving or I'd be breaking NY state law. But, I am so ready for this change. Bring it on, New York!
I made some great friends in Miami, and got even more close to the friends I already had down there. I'm gonna miss my awesome roommate Shy. She was the best. I'm gonna miss my Biggie Banal Betty Poo and the friends I made through her. I'm definitely gonna miss my Gilly girls, the best management team ever. I'll most certainly miss Alex and our crazy times at the casino and playing the Wii with him and Sparkles. And I can't forget A. Money, Errol, and Vicki and the fun times in Ft. Laudy. But there's always a flight to Miami whenever I need to get away from the cold and the challenges of my store.
I feel my life has been full of adventures. When I came off the new stores team, I thought my adventures were over, but now I've realized they have just begun.
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