On my 30 Before 30 post, I wanted to switch over to WordPress. Since I'm unemployed at the moment I've been really looking into this. I know I can do it. I started making webpages when I was 14. I had my own website and made pages for all of my friends. I haven't made a page in over 13 years now so I'm a little rusty. Although WordPress makes things a lot easier, I want the best for my blog. I have this vision in my head of how I want it. I don't want it looking tacky or cheesy or like I used Paintbrush on my PC. I want it to look like what's in my head and if not I'll be disappointed.
What my blog needs:
A new name. conSTELLAtion was a name I used to tell people when a person asked if Stella was my real name or if it was short for something. I told this to my crew in Miami and the name kind of stuck to me. I love space and stars(since that's what my name means). But now that I think of it, conSTELLAtion just doesn't make since. I'm a single small town Florida girl living the fast paced life in New York. And seeing that I'm about to move into the Big Apple, I really will be living that fast paced city life. I thought about Single in the City but after researching, it's already been done. Also, what if this professional single girl(almost 3 years running) becomes a non-singleton? Not saying I'm looking, but hey it could happen! Here's others I've been thinking about:
-Stella in the City
-Southern in the City
-Oranges to Apples(since I'm from Florida the citrus state moving into the Big Apple, get it?)
-Small Town City Girl(can we say oxymoron?)
Do these suck? I need some input! Comment here or on FB or send me a message!
Photo shoot. I need a photo shoot of me around NYC. With Instagram I guess I can turn any photo into a professional looking picture. I think this is just up to me to make the time and find a friend to follow me around with their iPhone or camera in the Big Apple.
Graphics. I need Photoshop and my memory back of how to use Photoshop or just a graphic designer.
More readers and followers. I've really been proud of some of the posts have written. I have friends commenting or sending me private messages of how great or so true my posts are. I've even had people tell me this in the bars around LB. People can't believe some of my writings have came out of this head. Surprise people! I may not be the most confident person in the word, but I am confident in my writing. I take pride in my writing. This is my passion and I love hearing that others like what they are reading. I also love hearing that I've inspired or helped a person, that they can relate to me and know they aren't alone out there, that I've given them clarity on life. I want more people to feel this way. I want more girls(or guys) like me to read what I have to say.
Inspiration. In my last post, I said how crazy my life was last month and that I hadn't been able to just sit back and write. This is very true but I also haven't felt inspired lately. I have a couple of posts in this head of mine that I need to get out onto my computer, but after that, what's next? I know why my inspiration has been low. First of all, I haven't been running the boardwalk which almost always gets my writing juices following, instead I've been heading to the gym. Secondly, my dating life has been basically non-existent. Being this professional single girl, you might be able to tell just by the posts I write when I've been done wrong by a guy or when I'm seeing someone or when I'm just plan frustrated with all guys. For example, my two back to back posts published in March where written after reconnecting with an ex that went all wrong. Hence the Exit Interview For Exes post. Now you know my secret. Since it seems I've taken an involuntary manbatical, I haven't really felt inspired. Which I don't always get my inspiration from just my life. I also get it from my friends' lives or stories I've heard. So if you or someone you know has an awesome story or topic I should write about, please message me!
I want to make this vision of mine a reality. I want to put my blog on the map. I want my website to be googleble and not just some obituary for an 88 year old lady(true story. There's even a gravestone too.) Please help with your opinions or talents! Hopefully www.stellataylor.com will be made into awesomeness soon.
Told ya there was a gravestone! Freaky!!
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