Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Help Wanted

I need help. My blog needs help. If it were a person, I'd be putting it on What Not to Wear. My blog is almost 3 years old and it is in need of a desperate make over. It's looked the same for a long time and needs a whole new look. Since I'm about to embark on a big move to the big city, inching my way to my third decade in life, and starting a new job this makes the perfect time.

On my 30 Before 30 post, I wanted to switch over to WordPress. Since I'm unemployed at the moment I've been really looking into this. I know I can do it. I started making webpages when I was 14. I had my own website and made pages for all of my friends. I haven't made a page in over 13 years now so I'm a little rusty. Although WordPress makes things a lot easier, I want the best for my blog. I have this vision in my head of how I want it. I don't want it looking tacky or cheesy or like I used Paintbrush on my PC. I want it to look like what's in my head and if not I'll be disappointed.

What my blog needs:
A new name. conSTELLAtion was a name I used to tell people when a person asked if Stella was my real name or if it was short for something. I told this to my crew in Miami and the name kind of stuck to me. I love space and stars(since that's what my name means). But now that I think of it, conSTELLAtion just doesn't make since. I'm a single small town Florida girl living the fast paced life in New York. And seeing that I'm about to move into the Big Apple, I really will be living that fast paced city life. I thought about Single in the City but after researching, it's already been done. Also, what if this professional single girl(almost 3 years running) becomes a non-singleton? Not saying I'm looking, but hey it could happen! Here's others I've been thinking about:
-Stella in the City
-Southern in the City
-Oranges to Apples(since I'm from Florida the citrus state moving into the Big Apple, get it?)
-Small Town City Girl(can we say oxymoron?)
Do these suck? I need some input! Comment here or on FB or send me a message!

Photo shoot. I need a photo shoot of me around NYC. With Instagram I guess I can turn any photo into a professional looking picture. I think this is just up to me to make the time and find a friend to follow me around with their iPhone or camera in the Big Apple.

Graphics. I need Photoshop and my memory back of how to use Photoshop or just a graphic designer.

More readers and followers. I've really been proud of some of the posts have written. I have friends commenting or sending me private messages of how great or so true my posts are. I've even had people tell me this in the bars around LB. People can't believe some of my writings have came out of this head. Surprise people! I may not be the most confident person in the word, but I am confident in my writing. I take pride in my writing. This is my passion and I love hearing that others like what they are reading. I also love hearing that I've inspired or helped a person, that they can relate to me and know they aren't alone out there, that I've given them clarity on life. I want more people to feel this way. I want more girls(or guys) like me to read what I have to say.

Inspiration. In my last post, I said how crazy my life was last month and that I hadn't been able to just sit back and write. This is very true but I also haven't felt inspired lately. I have a couple of posts in this head of mine that I need to get out onto my computer, but after that, what's next? I know why my inspiration has been low. First of all, I haven't been running the boardwalk which almost always gets my writing juices following, instead I've been heading to the gym. Secondly, my dating life has been basically non-existent. Being this professional single girl, you might be able to tell just by the posts I write when I've been done wrong by a guy or when I'm seeing someone or when I'm just plan frustrated with all guys. For example, my two back to back posts published in March where written after reconnecting with an ex that went all wrong. Hence the Exit Interview For Exes post. Now you know my secret. Since it seems I've taken an involuntary manbatical, I haven't really felt inspired. Which I don't always get my inspiration from just my life. I also get it from my friends' lives or stories I've heard. So if you or someone you know has an awesome story or topic I should write about, please message me!

I want to make this vision of mine a reality. I want to put my blog on the map. I want my website to be googleble and not just some obituary for an 88 year old lady(true story. There's even a gravestone too.) Please help with your opinions or talents! Hopefully will be made into awesomeness soon.

Told ya there was a gravestone! Freaky!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April Showers Bring May...???

I know, I know, it's been forever since I've updated this thing. And I know I use the whole "I've been busy" excuse way too much. I gotta say though, this month has really exhausted me. Have you ever felt like you were drowning but you weren't anywhere near water? That's what I've felt like this April. Why have I felt this way? Well let me explain.

I know I complain a lot. I actually don't see it as me complaining. I sometimes(more than sometimes I guess) vent in my writing. I write what's on my mind, what's bothering me, what I'm excited about, what I'm scared about, what I enjoy, what I hate, what goes on in this little blonde head of mine. So, don't mind me when I vent in this post.

At the beginning of this crazy month of April, I lost someone very dear to me. My last grandparent. The only grandmother I knew. The sweetest, most compassionate, caring, loving, nurturing person in my life(besides my own mother, which I know exactly where she gets it from). Nellie Elizabeth Barker Clements; Nana to my brother, cousins and I, lived a long(95 years to be exact) wholesome, lively life. I can't say that the death of my grandmother was unexpected. To tell you the truth, I have no idea how she lived this long. Every time I received a phone call from my mom early in the morning, I thought for sure it was about my Nana. Nope, somehow she had beat all odds and out lived all my dogs that my mom had called to tell me about in her sad but yet calm voice.

The day after I got the news about my grandmother, my boss told me that my store was closing. It's not like I really wanted to stay at this store, even with this company rather, but this still stressed me out. I had less than a month to find a new job, with a week of that month being spent in Florida. They had made me an offer at another store, which I really didn't want to take but I did at least have a backup plan. This was it though. This was my way out. This store closing was really a blessing in disguise. I've been looking for something else since the beginning of this year(4 months) and having the thought in my head that I may not have a job by the end of the month really pushed me and made my job hunt a bit more aggressive.

Looking and interviewing for a job is a job all in itself. Plus still actually having a job of closing a store isn't as easy as just closing the doors. All my free time I was on the computer looking on Craig's list, Careerbuilders, Monster, Mayor of the Mall, checking my email every minute, interviewing on every day off I had, 2 interviews at least each day. It took a lot of research, frustration, rejection, rewrite after rewrite of my resume and Xanax until I finally got my offer.

And then I had my follow up visit with my doctor. My last visit; my 6 month checkup and sonogram after my surgery, didn't go so well. The doctor had found yet another big cyst feasting on my right ovary. I said my right ovary was dying. If you've read my "Taylor Made" post, you know what I had been through. I had scheduled my doctor's appointment with an interview right after that. Not a good idea at all since my nerves were already shot from the thought of both but with limited time to find a job, I had to make this schedule. I thought for sure it grew bigger or I'd have to have another surgery or even my ovary removed. I prepared for the worst. After the way this month had been going, I figured what's one more bad thing to happen to me? I'd be grandmotherless, jobless and ovaryless. Yep, I let my pessimistic side out. So when the doctor told me the cyst was completely gone, I was in shock. "Really? Are you sure?" I asked her. She showed me the monitor screen. I've become quite an expert by now at looking at sonograms of my ovaries. When I got to my car, I did the same thing I did at my last doctor visit. I cried. This time though, I was crying for joy. Relief. My optimistic side came back to me. Maybe my right ovary won't be dying just yet. Maybe there's a real chance I can have children. Maybe I can stop living in fear of this thing that was growing inside my body. And maybe this month was not so bad.

So this basically sums up my roller coaster of a month. At the beginning, I was stressed, depressed, frustrated, exhausted, and just plan sad. All of this negativity really effected me and I became a pessimist about everything in my life. But by the end of the month, I started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. No more negative Nancy. Only Positive Polly. Although some bad things did happen in April, I only see the good now. My grandmother is now at peace in heaven with my Papa. My saint parents can now relax and spend some quality time together and get out of the house. I saw my beautiful family including my 1 year old cousin I hadn't met yet. I finally got to meet my best friend's twin baby boys in which I fell in love. I became more confident while interviewing and learned what to and what not to say. I got a new job in which I will be making good money and get to actually dress more fashionable and more my age. And I get a good sum of money just for closing my store. Life for this single girl may not be so bad now. I can't wait to see what May has in store for me. New job. New wardrobe. New attitude. Soon to be new place of residency? Hhmm, now that was in my 30 Before 30 list. Bye, bye Barn? ;)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Exit Interviews for Exes

When a person quits a job, most companies hold exit interviews. The company wants to dig in and really find the real reason a person quits. They may want feedback for what they should or shouldn't do in the future. They want to know how they can better their company to create less turnover and keep their people happy and motivated. And usually when a person quits a job, there's something that drives them to do it. It's usually not just a one reason statement, it's usually more in depth and complicated than that.

I think exit interviews are a great practice for businesses out there. In fact, I don't think exit interviews should be limited to just jobs. What if you could hold exit interviews for other things in life? What if you could have exit interviews every time someone quits on you? Every time someone breaks up or ends a relationship with you, you could hold an interview with your ex and your ex could interview you on what really happened? At every end you could get the real, cold hard facts.

Quitting a job is kind of like a break up. At the beginning, a new job and a new relationship is exciting. You're learning about the position or the new person, getting used to the routine or the person. Then you start finding flaws and things get on your nerves. You start figuring out that position or that person just isn't right for you. Sometimes you stick with it, because you feel comfortable and don't want to have to go out in that scary real world to find another job or new beau so you continue until you just can't take it anymore. You start looking for a new job or beau until you find something or someone else or until you snap and just can't live the life you're living.

Like quitting a job, sometimes break ups can be quite sugar coated and open ended. They can end with a "it's not you, it's me" or "I've got too much on my plate" or the "we're just at two different places in our lives". What do these break up lines really even mean? Are these really good reasons to end a relationship or are they just so common that people that don't like conflict just instantly say it for an easy exit? Other times break ups can be rather hostile, emotional, and so confusing that you almost forget the whole reason for the break up. Wouldn't it be nice to get feedback from your ex on exactly what went wrong? To gain the closure you might need to move on, because you know every single girl needs that closure or they continue to dwell and over analyze every little thing. And wouldn't it be awesome to see what you may need to work on in the next relationship to make it work? To just get the God honest truth? No more analyzing what just happened or beating yourself up about things. You could have the truth in front of you in black and white.

And on the other side you could lay it all out in your exit interview. God knows you have some words to say and your girlfriends' ears are bleeding from listening to you rant. You could just say what you need to say(cue John Mayer). Let it all out. Don't let one word stay in that over analyzing head of yours.

The exit interview could help you shape your future relationships.  If there was something your ex hated that you did and maybe you had no clue it was an annoyance, you could work on it for the next guy that comes your way. And if you decide that one day in the future you want to reconnect and rekindle that relationship you once had with the ex, then you could pull up that file. After some time those feelings of sadness and animosity and hostility go away. You forget the whole reason of the break up and your heart has mended and you forgive. Reading over the exit interview could really bring back those feelings and stop you from having your past repeat itself. Not saying it always does repeat itself because people do grow up and change and timing does become right, but more than likely the past will happen again, and you're left with the same exact feelings as before. Most exes are exes for a reason, right?

Which in a perfect, grown up world, we shouldn't feel like we need exit interviews at the end of a relationship. We shouldn't feel so confused, disheartened, and to point of wanting to give up on figuring out the opposite sex. We should feel like we have all the answers we need at the end, learn and grow from it.  If we were all mature, grown ass adults, we should just be honest with each other in the first place. I was lucky to have someone be brutally honest with me once in my life and although at the time I was hurt and heart broken, when I look back now after not getting any answers just recently, I wish I could get the truth each and every time. Because without that honesty, I'd probably still be wondering what the hell really happened, dwelling on the past, receiving no closure and hoping on an unrealistic thought of a future that would never be. Too bad not everyone can be so honest and that most of the human population are cowards. Some people run away from conflict and leave others with uncertainty, unanswered questions, wrong answers and broken spirits. Not saying I haven't been a coward before, it happens, but after a while you learn to grow up and respect others and have compassion for their feelings. Too bad we can't all be grown up, mature adults who can stand up to conflict and deal with reality.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Over Analyzing the Already Over Analyzed Analysis

Guys, I'm going to tell you a little secret about us girls you may or may not know about us. Girls are actually smarter than they look. Most girls out there think like scientist; we are constantly analyzing every single little thing. Remember those science projects we had back in 5th grade that we pasted on cardboard? With a "I hypothesize..." and "The purpose of this project is..."? Somewhere in that science project there was a section for the analysis. I used to be horrible at that part of the science project. I never was a science person, obviously I was an English and writing person. I got my lowest grade in middle school in science in 8th grade, a D, which I cried my eyes out about. But now as an adult woman I find that my analyzing skills are sharp. Maybe way too sharp. Like I think I could totally make a career out of my over analyzing. Are there careers in analyzing? Because I could totally excel in this. My mind is always analyzing and over analyzing to the point that I'm over analyzing the analysis that I've already analyzed.

Everyday is a new science project. I find myself saying, "I wonder if..." or if I was a scientist I guess I would be saying, "I hypothesize that..." And after researching and analyzing and over analyzing I come to my conclusion. "In conclusion..."

But do us girls just think way too much? Do we think into things that are just a simple fact? A statement that is just a simple statement to a guy could be to us a complex algebra equation that could take us all night to figure out. It's sometimes worse than high school homework because we don't have the math book to look up the answers in the back so we must figure it out on our own. A simple ":)" to a girl could be as mysterious as the Egyptian pyramids.

Guys are simple human beings. They say something or do something and don't even think twice about what they say or do. Girls, on the other hand, are complex, confusing, critical creatures. Instead of taking the simple, straight shot path, we like to zig zag, climb mountains, swim through rivers and fight tigers to get to the conclusion of things. So that simple "ok" or "lol" that really meant nothing to you that you just text us? Yeah we thought about it for about an hour and still don't know what it could possibly mean. And that no response to a statement or even a question? That's just over analysis overload. That can totally shut down a girl's hard drive.

To guys, they are just simple creatures, but to girls they are way too hard to figure out. And I'm sure us girls aren't as easy to figure out, but I'm writing in a girl's prospective so I can't speak for the clueless guys out there. Sometimes analyzing can keep us up all night. What did that mean? Is that a good or bad thing? How do I even respond back to that? Does that mean he's in or not into me? This is the thought process of a girl. And it doesn't stop there. This is what can drive a girl to insanity.

Sometimes I wish guys would just state their purpose. State your purpose. It's sounds so simple. "I just want to get some booty." "I want a relationship with you but have too much on my plate right now." "I really do like you." "I want to be with you." "I'm confused and don't know what I want." Whatever it is guys, just state your purpose. If you just have no idea what you want, tell us. If you want us, tell us. If you have no intentions of being with us, tell us. If you just want sex, tell us. If you only see us as a friend, tell us. If you want to see where things go, tell us. State your purpose. It would make things a whole lot simpler to us girls.

But I guess then where would be the fun in that? Where's the challenge? Where's the mystery and the butterflies? Is it better to know the purpose or to figure it out on our own? Is it harder or easier on us to know exactly what a guy wants? I'd like to say yes it would be easier, but most girls out there like the challenge. The flirtation. The figuring out a guy on their own. If it were so simple for a guy to state the purpose to us, we probably would just get bored with this. As I said before, we are complex creatures. We don't do or think or like simple things and stating a purpose is simple and precise and to the point. Although sometimes I wish I just knew the simple facts about a guy, I also think of the confusing side. And where's the fun in knowing all the answers? Sometimes it's more fun and rewarding to figure out that complex, confusing equation on our own.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Taylor Made

As little girls, we may not know it at the time, but we all practice to be a mother. We hold our baby dolls close while feeding it with a plastic bottle, dress it up each day, and roll it around in our play strollers, taking care of the doll as if it were a real child. Our dolls would go anywhere and everywhere with us, just like a real mother and child.  When becoming teenagers, we sometimes become baby-sitters for neighbors or family friends. Changing diapers, playing "peek-a-boo" or "got your nose", watching Dora the Explorer and learning things about children you never knew all while getting paid. Throughout life, you plan your future; how many children you want, boys or girls, and of course you already have names picked out for your future offspring. Your whole life, you dream of your future. You see what's around you, a mother, a father, brothers or sisters, you see families around you. As a member of society, you are taught to reproduce. You are born, grow up, marry(or maybe not in this century), bare children, raise your children until they grow up and they have their own. It's the basic, normal circle of life(cue Elton John). And as you grow up, it becomes your plan and dream in your life.

But what if one day someone told you that you may not achieve your dream? That it would be a struggle to bare your own flesh and blood? That you have a disease that could cause infertility and to the extreme have those parts that make you a woman removed?
While my best friend has her 7 month sonogram on her twin babies, I have a sonogram on my ovaries. Like most little girls, I have always dreamed of having children. Actually I haven't really dreamed, I just thought it would be natural as in most normal girls to become a mother. And as my best friend and I have grown up together since she was fresh out of the womb, I just figured I'd have children right there with her.

Like I've said in previous posts, I chose a different path. I've been one of those independent women(cue  Beyonce). And in this day in age, that's become the norm. Women are becoming mothers later and later in life. And I'm still basically young(although in the south I may be considered an old maid). I'm not from Russia so I haven't been rushin'.

I am far from being ready to be a mother. It's something that I haven't even really thought about. I cringed when the baby popped out into the toilet while watching I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant on TLC. I can't even hold a baby for that long without my arm feeling like it's going to fall or even correctly change a diaper. Formula? Why not just give it some Capri Sun? At my best friend's baby shower I would just smile and nod at half the stuff she received because I had no idea what it was. A wipes warmer and a diaper genie? Say huh?

Most of the time, I think I don't even want kids. With the children that come into my store, they are hell on wheels. They scream, run around, touch everything in sight and just basically annoy the shit out of me. But then again most of the time it's the lack of parenting. When I was a child, my parents weren't afraid to show the belt or threaten me with a kid's leash.

The pros always out way the cons of having children and therefore I do one day(not anytime soon) want children. But now I'm faced with a fairly common disease found in women. If you've read my previous posts, then you know that I was diagnosed with endometriosis last summer. After having a severe, stabbing pain in my side, surgery to remove 2 huge cysts from both ovaries, scraping scar tissue from my internal organs and putting my ovaries that had swapped places back in place resulted of this immense pain.

After the surgery, I knew I would be living with this condition for the rest of my life, until I have a hysterectomy later on in life. I knew I would be taking medicine daily to reduce the effects of the endometriosis. I knew the chances of the cysts coming back. But I had hope that I would be fine. That when I was ready, I would be able to pop a few kids out. Now I'm not so sure.

Last Monday I had my 6 month sonogram and there it was, another cyst feeding on my right ovary. This means the endometriosis is continuing to effect my organs and could mean I don't have much time. If this cyst bursts, I can most likely say goodbye to my right ovary. I have another one right? Still doesn't mean I won't get another one on the left, or have the endo cover it with scar tissue.

This is what happens when you're a female Taylor. My grandmother had a hysterectomy at my age, 29. My aunt had the same thing, and my cousin at age 35. Same problems. Cysts and scar tissue get removed. Then it comes back and that's it. Your womanhood is removed. The difference between my Taylor ladies and me is that I have yet to produce kids.

So here I sit, waying my options. Researching freezing my eggs. Having a wonderful cousin and another friend say they would be my surrogate when I'm ready. But what if I'm too late? Here I am, feeling like an actual ticking time bomb with a cyst that could blow at one wrong movement. Feeling like I have so much depending on this little almond sized thing that has invaded my ovary.

I can only hope in 2 months when I go back for another sonogram that the cyst has disappeared. That I won't need anymore surgery for a while and the endometriosis calms down. I see how happy my friends are with their children, the joy they bring and the unconditional love they have for their kids and I want that one day. One day, I want mini-me's running around, watching them grow up, and know that unconditional love for someone. I want that normal, basic girl's dream.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Resume. What I Really Want to Say.

After reviewing my 30 before 30, I am beginning to think I'm a complete failure. Since the new year started I have already eaten 2 cans of Spaghettios, Stayed in bed past noon 3 days, my kitchen sink is full, and have yet to even look at WordPress for my new blog. The only things I have really done are booked an upcoming trip to Florida, gone to the gym a few times, and looked over my resume to start sending out to find a new job. Guess I gotta try a little harder at this!

While looking over my resume and getting some help from a friend of mine, it's really got me thinking about this whole resume thing. I mean, does a resume really tell a person who you really are and what you can and can't do? Sure, you can put down that you're good at this or that, have experience in whatever and went to an awesome school and have a degree in rocket engineering, but what does a resume really say about what kind of person you really are?

It's usually not hard for me to write. In my writing classes in school my professor would give me a topic, I would maybe do a little research, start writing, turn the paper in without even reading it over and get an A. But when it comes down to writing a resume, I find myself sitting with my computer in my lap and staring at a blank screen. It should be easy, right? All I'm writing is about myself(which I do way too much) and my work experience and skills. But now that I've been thinking and over thinking about what I should write in my resume, it's got me thinking into what I really want to write.

This is when I started writing what is below: a resume of my real life. A resume I would NEVER send to future employers, but a resume that wouldn't be so boring like a professional one. A resume of what I really want to say.

Stella "Baller" Elizabeth Taylor
Long Beach, NY

To find a real, grown up, 9 to 5, Monday through Friday job. A job where I don't have to deal with cranky, stupid or tacky people. One with awesome health benefits due to my recent health issues, at least 3 weeks paid vacation, sick and personal days, with great pay. A fun job in the city with amazing people that I don't dread going to everyday.

University of South Florida      
Tampa, FL
December 2005
BA in Mass Communications, Telecommunications
A degree I have yet and probably will never use in the telecomm field. It's still a degree so who really cares what it's in? I'm not trying to be a doctor or a lawyer. It's not like I actually remember anything I learned in college anyway.
Professional and Community Affiliation
Delta Delta Delta
BA Chapter
Tri Delta, no, not everyone else has!

Official Fact Checker of Ian Murphy
Long Beach, NY
Summer 2011 until whenever I fail to find a fact.
  • Research anything Ian Murphy might think is a fact to reveal if they really are fact or fiction.
  • On call 24/7 to make sure Mr. Murphy has his facts correct.
  • Answer any debate Mr. Murphy might be having with other LB residents to ensure the truth.
  • Proficient with Google and other search engines.
  • Provide photos and proof of all found facts. i.e. fish have tongues.

The Moose
Nazi, Germany
From the day I sold my soul to the day I was born again.
  • Did whatever Hitler said to do.
  • Learned to work on no sleep.
  • Became a complete perfectionist and developed anal tendencies.
  • Walked around school campuses and other places looking for great looking, aspirational people. Oh yeah, can't forget diverse too.
  • Consumed enough caffeine to fill the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Sleeve scrunched until my joints obtained carpal tunnel syndrome and side stacked like no other.
  • Learned all about dog and pony shows.
Other Skills That I Possess That May or May Not Be Relevant to a Job I'm Interested In But are Still Interesting Skills None the Less
  • As previously mentioned in my employment background under my fact checking experience, I have insane researching skills. Not only can I find whether or not something is fact or fiction, I can find people as well. Just give me a first name and 3 facts about a person(place of business, school attended, where they live etc.) and I can find them on Google and Facebook. I do this especially for my friends that forget what a guy looks like that they gave their number to on a drunken night(no this does not make me a stalker!). 
  • Has an amazing ass.
  • I can drive with my foot. Not just with my right foot but can also steer with my left. I get extremely bored on my long commute to work.
  • I've never lost a limbo contest. I may have retired for a while due to having my abdomen ripped open last summer, but I'll be back in action this summer!
  • I can be completely inebriated and still text with absolutely no typos and maintain perfect grammar.
  • I have some sweet dance moves. I invented such moves as "the Cat", "Robot Fist Pump", "Waterfall", "Back Slap", and "the Grab"(with the help of Sammy).
  • I'm left-handed which means I'm in my right mind. Also somewhat creative and maybe slightly sinister.
  • I can turn any song into a country song. Try me.
  • Did I mention I have an amazing ass?
  • I'm an amazing multi-tasker. Example: I'm writing this while watching Jersey Shore, playing Words With Friends and drinking a Red Bull.
  • Also proficient in Word, Power Point, Excel, and all that other stuff. Oh, and I can type really fast.